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fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Wed 23 Sep 2015 6:01 am
by courtil
Hello everyone,

I am seeking information to create a fixed horizontal navigation menu at the top that I could use in Saratoga scripts instead of vertical navigation menu.

Would some info?

Thanks for all

Best regards


Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Thu 24 Sep 2015 1:22 am
by PaulMy

Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Thu 24 Sep 2015 6:19 am
by courtil
Paul thank you for your information.
Best regards

Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Sat 17 Oct 2015 10:16 am
by courtil
Hello everyone,

Sorry but I do not know use this script in my local site ....


Code: Select all

Edit your page to insert
   <?php $PrintDropdownMenu = false; include("dropdown-menu.php"); print $DropdownCSS; ?>
in the <head> </head> area of your page.
Edit your page to insert 
  <div class="dropdownmenu"><?php print $DropdownMenuText; ?></div>
on your page where you'd like the menu to appear, then save and upload the page to your website.
Should he leave the original menus or invalidate: Menubar.php and flyout-menu.php ??

Where places the files:-menu.php dropdown, dropdown-menu.xml ??

Is there a .css file to load ???

where the image file is located ??

Thank you for your information

Best regards


Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Sat 17 Oct 2015 1:44 pm
by PaulMy
Hopefully Ken will pop in and reply.


Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Tue 20 Oct 2015 1:19 am
by PaulMy
Update ... #msg267091
and I am sure Ken will get to the various boards as his time permits.

We wish Ken the best after his tribulations.

Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Tue 20 Oct 2015 9:52 am
by courtil
Hello Paul,

Thank you for this information.

We wish a speedy recovery to Ken and his family.

I have all the time to edit my scripts,
this is not urgent !!!

These scripts are just the hobby of a pensioner
and not for a corporate job !!!

Good day

Best regards


Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Wed 21 Oct 2015 5:20 pm
by saratogaWX
Hi Michel,

Based on your description/question, it appears you wish to add the dropdown menu to a Saratoga template (which already incorporates the flyout-menu functions).

The dropdown-menu is not 'template aware' (unlike the flyout-menu) and generates a fixed (blue background) style for the menu display.

The dropdown-menu uses only two files: dropdown-menu.php and the XML descriptor file dropdown-menu.xml

When executed, dropdown-menu.php generates the menu HTML in $DropdownMenuText and the needed CSS in $DropdownCSS.
The exact colors used in the CSS are specified in the settings area of the dropdown-menu.php file itself.

To insert in the Saratoga template, change top.php from

Code: Select all

<!-- end of top -->

Code: Select all

<?php $PrintDropdownMenu = false; include_once("dropdown-menu.php"); print $DropdownCSS; ?>
<!-- end of top -->
Then change header.php from

Code: Select all

	  </div><!-- end subHeaderRight -->
<!-- end of header -->	

Code: Select all

	  </div><!-- end subHeaderRight -->
<div class="dropdownmenu"><?php print $DropdownMenuText; ?></div>
<!-- end of header -->	
and the new dropdown-menu should appear in your header on all pages. You will need to edit dropdown-menu.php to adjust the CSS to fit your color scheme.

I had not included the dropdown-menu function in the template set for a couple of reasons:
1) the horizontal aspect limits the number of menu items that can be displayed (particularly in the narrow aspect of the template) and can overflow/wrap in unattractive ways unless the wording and numbers of top menu items are not carefully chosen.
2) the script is not 'language aware' and doesn't include the template translation functions for menu items nor CSS adjustments for different themes -- and I was too lazy to add that :)

I hope this helps...

Best regards,

Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2015 5:28 pm
by courtil
Hello Ken,

Thank you for all your information on the display Horizontal

I downloaded two files: dropdown-menu.php and dropdown-menu.php.xml

The changes were made in scripts : top.php and header.php

Sorry vertical display still, not horizontal display

In the script settings.php the flyoutmenu is set to TRUE

How do I get this horizontal display?

Thank you for your information.

Best regards


Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2015 5:34 pm
by saratogaWX
What is the URL of the website where you are trying out the dropdown-menu?

Also, it's dropdown-menu.php and dropdown-menu.xml not dropdown-menu.php.xml

Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2015 5:56 pm
by courtil
Hello Ken,

Sorry but your scripts are still operated on Wamp server locally

I send you the source file the index.php script

Thank you for your information

Best regards


Re: fixed horizontal navigation menu

Posted: Tue 27 Oct 2015 6:03 pm
by saratogaWX
Well, debugging by just looking at a view-source capture of the page is a bit like driving while blindfolded -- you may run into the solution or not, but it is no substitute for access to the website itself.

If your dropdown-menu.php.xml is still on your site, rename it to dropdown-menu.xml (and it should contain ONLY the XML menu statements).

It looks like (from the view-source capture) that the script is working, just no menu definition was found.