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month gust

Posted: Sat 11 Nov 2023 5:22 pm
by vpokroglo
why does ajax dashboard always displays month name of biggest wind gust as Januar, doesn't matter we are november or any other month? I also noticed that language selector doest work either.
my site:

Re: month gust

Posted: Sat 11 Nov 2023 9:31 pm
by saratogaWX
So, two issues. Regarding the Month gust max display, it is produced by ajax-dashboard.php using

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              <?php if(isset($mrecordwindgust)) { ?>
                <td colspan="2" class="data1" align="center">
				  <?php langtrans('Gust Month'); ?>: <?php echo $mrecordwindgust. " $uomWind"; ?> 
                  <?php if(isset($mrecordhighgustday)) { ?>
				  <?php echo $monthname . " " . $mrecordhighgustday; ?> 
                  <?php } // $mrecordhighgustday ?>
              <?php } // $mrecordwindgust ?>
those values are produced in CU-defs.php from

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$time  = substr($WX['time'],0,5); // calculated value
$date = $WX['date'];

# generate the separate date/time variables by dissection of input date/time and format
  = CU_setDateTimes($date,$time,$SITE['WDdateMDY']);

$mrecordwindgust = $WX['MonthGustH'];
list($mrecordhighgustday,$mrecordhighgustmonth,$mrecordhighgustyear)=CU_getRecordDate($WX['MonthGustHD'],$WX['year']); // calculated value
In CUtags.php?sce=dump, the values above are

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$WX['date'] = '11. 11. 2023';
$WX['time'] = '22:25 on 11 november 2023';
$WX['year'] = '2023';
$WX['monthname'] = 'november';
$WX['MonthGustH'] = '69';
$WX['MonthGustHT'] = '19:58';
$WX['MonthGustHD'] = '02 november';
in CU-defs.php the

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# CU support function - CU_getRecordDate - Convert 'dd Month '.'YYYY' to list(d,m,y)

function CU_getRecordDate($inDayMonth,$inYear) {
  global $SITE,$Debug;
  $EnglishMonths = array(
  $tstr = $inDayMonth . ' ' . $inYear;
  $Debug .= "<!-- CU_getRecordDate input tstr='$tstr' -->\n";

 // input dates are assumed to be in English only
 if (isset($SITE['monthNames'])) {
    // convert TO English for strtotime()
	foreach ($EnglishMonths as $i => $monthEN) {
	   $tstr = preg_replace('|'.$SITE['monthNames'][$i].'|i',$monthEN,$tstr);
    $Debug .= "<!-- CU_getRecordDate after tstr='$tstr' -->\n";

  $ttime = strtotime($tstr);
  $ltime = date('j n Y',$ttime);
  $Debug .= "<!-- CU_getRecordDate result ltime='$ltime' -->\n";
  return(explode(' ',$ltime));

is used to format the date. I think the issue is caused by

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$WX['date'] = '11. 11. 2023';
which should either be mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy -- the template doesn't understand the dd. mm. yyyy format.

For the 'unable to switch language' issue, I suspect it is the cookie consent script. Try commenting out

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<script src="" data-cfasync="false"></script>
in your index.php and see if the language switch works again. When the script is engaged (even with 'Permit' enabled, the cookie for language is not updated).