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Having nightmare connecting CumulusMx to Ecowitt 2910AE

Posted: Fri 29 Dec 2023 3:31 pm
by RichK_Northwich
Hi. Been using Cumulus since 1.8, starting in 2009. Using current version: b3269

My Davis Vantage Vue died (transmitter failure) and had to switch to an affordable unit. Chose the Ecowitt WS2910AE as it had all I wanted, plus allegedly relay back to Cumulus.

Ecowitt unit is reading from the sensor, and publishing to I have set the Custom settings to Enable;Ecowitt;my local IP of cumulus; /station/ecowitt; 8998;20 secs

Cumulus Local API settings; discovery unchecked (it gets confused with my wired network); IP of my Ecowitt display; MAC of Ecowitt display

Tried all sorts - currently using Http (Ecowitt), and have set the Ecowitt Cloud API settings to my app key, api key, and MAC. Manually, if I construct a request string using those keys, I can get the JSON data packet back that matches my colour display unit.

However, nothing I try gets Cumulus to pull this data, except on first startup.

So I get one lot of historical data, then nothing live at all. Yet the device is live uploading to Ecowitt (LavenderRK).

I use cumulus to publish my weather to my own basic site - mostly so it can drive the iCumulus widget on my phone.
What settings do I need in Cumulus to get the communication going?

If I switch to Ecowitt Local API, all I get is a repeating "Connecting to station" message every 30 secs. And no data.

I get these error messages when Cumulus set on Ecowitt Local API:
2023-12-29 15:17:48 - DoCommand(CMD_READ_SENSOR_ID_NEW): Error - Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2023-12-29 15:17:45 - Nothing returned from System Info!
2023-12-29 15:17:44 - DoCommand(CMD_READ_SSSS): Error - Unable to read data from the transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
2023-12-29 15:17:42 - Checksum: Error - Bad checksum
2023-12-29 15:17:42 - DoCommand(CMD_READ_FIRMWARE_VERSION): Invalid response
2023-12-29 15:17:42 - Checksum: Error - Bad checksum

I assume these could be why my Local API connection doesnt work.

However, I cannot see how I update the firmware on the WS2910? When I first connected it, it did a firmware download automatically, but I cant see how I can trigger a manual one. (I'm assuming it was a bad firmware download)

Is there a way to get Cumulus to ping the Ecowitt API every minute say, and use the data packet that I know Ecowitt can return OK? (Implying no network issues)

Could it be that Cumulus just cannot communicate with the WS2910 yet?

Thanks in Advance
Northwich, UK

Re: Having nightmare connecting CumulusMx to Ecowitt 2910AE

Posted: Fri 29 Dec 2023 4:42 pm
by mcrossley
The 2910 does not support the local api, so you must use the HTTP (Ecowitt) station type.

It sounds like your local firewall may be blocking the data from the 2910 reaching MX.

Using the HTTP (Ecowitt) station type MX just sits there waiting for the data to arrive from 2910. Data from is only used at start-up to fetch catch-up data.

If you are running on Windows, you need to add an in-bound TCP rule on port 8998 to allow the in-bound traffic.
As a quick test, you could temporarily disable the firewall completely for 10 mins and see if the data starts being received.

Re: Having nightmare connecting CumulusMx to Ecowitt 2910AE

Posted: Fri 08 Mar 2024 3:36 am
by BeagleMX
Please tell me you were able to resolve this…. My circumstances and situation are almost identical to yours. i’m using the HP2560 display. other than that, i have the exact same problem. Ran the older Cumulus software with my Davis Vantage Vue until it crashed . Purchased the Ecowitt Wittboy combo. Running Cumulus 3282.

The service window says connected to the station. But nothing updates. And my error log is filled with the exact same errors you noted.

Hellllllpppppp. :-)

Re: Having nightmare connecting CumulusMx to Ecowitt 2910AE

Posted: Mon 11 Mar 2024 9:37 pm
by BeagleMX
As a reference, I was able to get this working using the "HTTP (Ecowitt)" station type.

Thanks for the help!