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Latest Cumulus MX V4 release 4.0.1 (build 4023) - 16 May 2024

Latest Cumulus MX V3 release 3.28.6 (build 3283) - 21 March 2024

Legacy Cumulus 1 release 1.9.4 (build 1099) - 28 November 2014
(a patch is available for 1.9.4 build 1099 that extends the date range of drop-down menus to 2030)

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Cumulus MX Version 4 - IMPORTANT Additional Information

From Cumulus MX version 3 build 3044 the development baton passed to Mark Crossley. Mark has been responsible for all the Builds since, and has recently released Cumulus MX version 4. He has made the code available on GitHub. It is Mark's hope that others will join in this development, but at the very least he welcomes your ideas for future developments (see Cumulus MX Development suggestions).

Moderator: mcrossley

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Cumulus MX Version 4 - IMPORTANT Additional Information

Post by mcrossley »

A new major version of Cumulus is here!.

The main change for this version of CMX is to move away from .Net Framework 4.8 to .NET 8: The latest Long Term Stable release from Microsoft.

By moving to .NET 8 we are back on a fully supported Microsoft release, and as Microsoft make version of .NET 8 available for Linux and macOS it means we can also move away from Mono on these platforms and the issues that has been causing.

That does mean that if you run Cumulus on a Linux platform there is a little preparation work installing .NET 8 to do before you can run CMX v4.

On Windows you may also need to install .NET8, though it may already be present.

There are some changes to the data storage (see below), logging, backup. Functionally though, version 4 operates and looks much the same as version 3.

Changes to the data storage of Cumulus MX

In Cumulus MX historically all data was written in ASCII in readable files. The logfiles were named with the short file names according to the locale (the language setting) the user had chosen, either in the setup of the account under which Cumulus MX runs or on the command line when starting Cumulus MX. The locale also determined the format of the separators in the logfiles (datetime separators, decimal separators and column separators were all locale dependent).

This increasingly led to issues and while creating this version 4 it was found that the numeric minus sign under certain locales was written to the as a non-standard minus (the minus symbol rather than a hyphen). Storing those numbers - e.g. a negative temperature - in log files meant that Cumulus could not read them back. These "odd" negative numbers would eventually propagate to all systems reading the datafiles and up into the JavaScript datafiles and so on. This is more than undesirable as it would lead inevitably to problems. Therefore, it was decided to remove the locale dependency from the data storage.

Installing .NET 8 on Windows

First check if you already have .NET 8 installed. Start a command or PowerShell session, then enter the command:

Code: Select all

dotnet --info
If the command is not recognised, or it shows a version below 8.0.101, then you need to install .NET 8.

If you need to install .NET 8, start an Administrator command or PowerShell session, then enter the command:

Code: Select all

winget install Microsoft.DotNet.Runtime.8
(if winget is not installed, or out of date, please see this page for details on installing/updating it)

Installing .NET 8 on Linux

There is only a packaged version of .NET 8 for x64 distributions, all other versions - x86, Arm32, Arm64 etc - all require a manual or scripted install.
These instructions cover the typical arm/arm64 required for Raspberry Pi Debian based installations. For other distribution please see this page.

NOTE: .NET 8 is officially supported on the following distributions (though it may work on others): Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE, SLES, Ubuntu.
  1. First remove any existing .NET install:

    Code: Select all

    sudo rm -r /usr/share/dotnet
  2. Next install the .NET dependencies (Check this page for OS other than Debian 11/12)
    • Debian 12 bookworm

      Code: Select all

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt install libc6 libgcc-s1 libgssapi-krb5-2 libicu72 libssl1.1 libstdc++6 zlib1g
    • Debian 11 bullseye

      Code: Select all

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt install libc6 libgcc-s1 libgssapi-krb5-2 libicu67 libssl1.1 libstdc++6 zlib1g
  3. Now install .NET, this may be done from a bash script. Do NOT use -c Current as that has been deprecated

    Code: Select all

    wget https://dot.net/v1/dotnet-install.sh
    chmod +x dotnet-install.sh
    sudo ./dotnet-install.sh -c LTS --install-dir /usr/share/dotnet --runtime dotnet
  4. The following is best done manually

    Code: Select all

    sudo echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/dotnet' | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/dotnet.sh > /dev/null
    sudo chmod +x /etc/profile.d/dotnet.sh
    sudo ln -s /usr/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/bin/dotnet
  5. Test the run time

    Code: Select all

    dotnet --info
If everything is satisfactory you can conclude dotnet version 8 has been installed correctly.

Installing on macOS
Note that on MacOS Catalina or later Apple have enforced signing and notarization to be enabled for this version of the OS. This may cause issues with some DLLs not being allowed to run.

A possible solution (using libe_sqlite3.dylib as an example) is as follows:

Firstly alter the Privacy & Security setting as below -
Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 11.23.46 am.png
Next -
  • Using Search, locate the file (libe_sqlite3.dylib) in Finder (in my case this was in Cumulus/runtimes/osx-x64/native)
  • Mouse Right click on the file and select [Open]
  • Follow the prompts to allow the file to open

Converting Data from Cumulus MX v3 to v4

A conversion program has been made which must be run before you can use version 4.

All data files are now written/read as invariant (dot decimal, comma field separator, dd/MM/yy HH:mm), this applies to: day file, monthly log files, extra log files, custom log files.

Monthly log files now renamed to "[yyyyMM]log.txt" to remove localised month name - and are now sortable in the file system!

In the /CumulusMX folder you will find the migration utility: MigrateData3to4

A basic workflow to run the utility:
  1. Start with a clean install v4
  2. Copy your v3 Cumulus.ini and strings.ini files to root of v4
  3. Copy your v3 /data and /Reports folders to the v4 install
  4. Rename the copied /data folder to /datav3
  5. From the command prompt, change the path to your v4 /CumulusMX folder
  6. Run MigrateData3to4
    Note: If you have any Custom Daily log files, you must supply these file names to the migration utility as parameters as they can have any free-format file name. Note: you do not type the square brackets, they just indicate optional parameters.
  7. Follow the prompts and look for any errors - the utility also outputs a log file to the /MXdiags folder
  8. If you use PHP upload, check the upload.php script on your web server is up to date with the v4 zip file versions
  9. Done!
If you do not manipulate or read the data files directly, there is nothing more you need to do. You can now startup Cumulus MX, you may need to update some scripts of yours to remove all references to mono

Running Cumulus MX v4

On 64 bit Windows, you can just run the CumulusMX.exe as usual.
On 32 bit Windows, you can run the new CumulusMX32,exe.
Alternatively on both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows you can use the same command as Linux, and start Cumulus MX using the dotnet executable:

Code: Select all

dotnet CumulusMX.dll [-port port_num] [-lang <lang-code>]
On Linux, the command has changed to using dotnet, first change your path to the Cumulus folder as with version 3, then:

Code: Select all

dotnet CumulusMX.dll [-port port_num] [-lang <lang-code>]
Note: You do not type the square brackets, they just indicate optional parameters.
Note: Using the dotnet command with the DLL also works on Windows.

Installing as a Service on Linux

Cumulus MX can run as a service on Linux, it now has the ability create the service config file for you.

Caution: If you already have v3 running as a service the self-installer for v4 will overwrite your v3 service config file! Only use the self-installer if v4 is the only copy of MX running on the box, or you are prepared to manually adjust the config files.

To run the self-installer, run Cumulus MX v4 with elevated privileges and use the -install option...

Code: Select all

sudo dotnet CumulusMX.dll -install -user <username> [-group <groupname>] [-port port_num] [-lang <lang-code>]
<username> = the user you want MX to run under
<groupname> = the user group you want MX to use, if omitted it defaults to the username
<port_num> = the optional port number to use. The default is the normal 8998
<lang-code> - the optional locale to run MX under. The default is the system locale. Use a code like en-GB, nl-NL etc.

Note: You do not type the square brackets, they just indicate optional parameters.

To make the service start when you server boots, use the command:

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl enable cumulusmx

What else is New/Changed

There are lots of minor changes, but changes of note:
  • Credentials in cumulus.ini are now encrypted. The encryption is unique to your installation.
    • You will find a file called "UniqueId.txt" in your CMX root folder, this contains an identifier unique to your installation.
    • If you copy your v4 cumulus.ini to another installation, from now on you must also copy this file otherwise the decryption of the credentials on the target installation will fail.
  • The backups CMX makes at start-up and daily are now zipped
  • FTP logging has been rewritten making it easier to differentiate between messages from MX, real-time FTP, and interval FTP
  • There is a new folder /runtimes in the Cumulus distribution, this must be copied from the zip to your installation every time you update
As usual, full details of the changes are contained in the Updates.txt file.

Third Party Utilities

The change in the monthly log file names and in some locales, contents of both monthly files and the dayfile.txt, may affect third party utilities that read these files. Often these utilities have settings around date and decimal formats that may need to be changed. Others may need updates to cope with the changes.

Utilites that spring to mind include:
  • WxSim - the author is already aware and has an update to accommodate v4

Reverting to Version 3

As there is no automated mechanism to convert v4 log files to v3, rolling back to version 3 will mean reverting to last time v3 ran and catching up.

You can happily have Mono and .NET 8 installed together on the same machine, so if you have a station that only accepts a single connection another possibility is that you just run v4 periodically with v3 shut down for a while.

Upgrading Version 4

When the time comes to upgrade your current v4 to a new version, the process is the same as v3, there is just one extra file (UniqueId.txt) to consider. I recommend that you...
  1. Rename your existing CumulusMX folder - append "-old" say
  2. Extract the updated zip file to a new CumulusMX folder
  3. Copy the following files/folders from the CumulusMX-old to CumulusMX folders:
    • /data folder
    • Cumulus.ini
    • UniqueId.txt
    • strings.ini - if you customised any of the strings
    • Any custom files you have in the /web folder
  4. You should then be OK to start the new version and can always revert back to the previous version easily
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