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Cumulus HTML Transaprrent tags

Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008 7:43 am
by gumm
Hello Steve,

I recently started using Cumulus, and have to compliment you on a great job!
I am so taken by it that I'm writing a Yahoo Widget (and Ubuntu Screenlet) for my desktop that reads data from a web page posted by Cumulus.
The way I do it is by simply posting an XML file that the widget scrapes periodically, and updates.
I have one comment, and two questions:

1) I think there is a typo in the help file for tags. The normal wind gust max tag for today is

Code: Select all

and the time tag for it is

Code: Select all

as opposed to the published

Code: Select all

1) I can get the history data for wind speed and time only for today (

Code: Select all

<#windTM> <#TwindTM>
), and yesterday (

Code: Select all

<#windTM> <#TwindYM>
), but can't seem to make the tags for all time Max Wind Speed and time

Code: Select all

<#windM> <#TwindM>
to work. I may simply be a dunce and am using the wrong tags here.

2) Does the comma separated values as given by the tags

Code: Select all

<wdirdata> and <wspddata>
correlate? In other words would the value given by an array wdirdata[0] be the wind speed at the time when the wind direction was given by the arry value wspddata[0]?

Kind regards

Re: Cumulus HTML Transaprrent tags

Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008 10:26 am
by steve
gumm wrote:1) I think there is a typo in the help file for tags. The normal wind gust max tag for today is

Code: Select all

and the time tag for it is

Code: Select all

as opposed to the published

Code: Select all

Thanks - I'll fix the help file.
gumm wrote:the tags for all time Max Wind Speed and time

Code: Select all

<#windM> <#TwindM>
to work. I may simply be a dunce and am using the wrong tags here.
It's an error in the help file. I was inconsistent in the naming - the tags are actually <#wspeedH> and <#TwspeedH> - I'll have to change the code or the help file so they match.
gumm wrote:2) Does the comma separated values as given by the tags

Code: Select all

<wdirdata> and <wspddata>
correlate? In other words would the value given by an array wdirdata[0] be the wind speed at the time when the wind direction was given by the arry value wspddata[0]?
Yes, that's right - the sets of values will always be the same length, and the values are in pairs in the way you suggest. There will be up to 3600 values in each set; it was originally intended to be an hour's worth, one per second, but it actually depends on how often the wind speed is read, so typically it will be quite a bit more than an hour.


Re: Cumulus HTML Transaprrent tags

Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008 1:21 pm
by gumm
Hello Steve,

Thanks, I'll give it a go tonight.

So to clarify, the values in the array is spaced at whatever interval the data is read from the weather station. Is that right?
Off-course the next question will be if there is any way to know what this interval is? Not truly (or even remotely) necessary for my immediate use, so simply just for my own curiosity :geek:

I hope to be able to make the widget and screenlet generic enough that it is useful to other people as well, and will send you copies once done.


Re: Cumulus HTML Transaprrent tags

Posted: Wed 03 Sep 2008 3:33 pm
by steve
gumm wrote:So to clarify, the values in the array is spaced at whatever interval the data is read from the weather station. Is that right?
gumm wrote:Off-course the next question will be if there is any way to know what this interval is? Not truly (or even remotely) necessary for my immediate use, so simply just for my own curiosity :geek:

It depends on the type of station and how they're driven. For the Davis stations it's every 2 or 3 seconds. For the Fine Offset stations Cumulus polls every 15 seconds (although I understand they only update every 48 seconds, so I may change this) and for the Oregon Scientific stations it's as often as they choose to send in data - I think it might be 12 seconds.

This is why it's quite hard to get the number of readings to fit a known time period in all cases :)
