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Cumulus resetting this night... every params been deleted...

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2013 10:57 am
by OliII
Hi !
Surprise this morning, my Cumulus has been resetted this night, before the backup !
My Cumulus.ini file has been deleted , no params saved, the file is back to the defaults params.
Luckily, this friday, i've backup all the cumulus folder on another HDD.

But, now, i get these errors :

Code: Select all

6/01/2013 11:49:55 : Error on line 5017 of D:\Cumulus\data\janv.13log.txt: List index out of bounds (1)
6/01/2013 11:49:55 : Error reading D:\Cumulus\data\janv.13log.txt at line 5017: List index out of bounds (1)
6/01/2013 11:49:55 : Please edit the file to correct the error
6/01/2013 11:49:55 : Error on line 5017 of D:\Cumulus\data\janv.13log.txt: List index out of bounds (1)
6/01/2013 11:49:56 : Error on line 5017 of D:\Cumulus\data\janv.13log.txt: List index out of bounds (1)
6/01/2013 11:49:56 : Error on line 5017 of D:\Cumulus\data\janv.13log.txt: List index out of bounds (1)
6/01/2013 11:50:32 : Error on line 5017 of D:\Cumulus\data\janv.13log.txt: List index out of bounds (1)
I open the file and see this :

Code: Select all

Many spaces before the 5017th line. Just deleted these.

Why Cumulus has been resetted this night ? I don't understand, the soft running until 300+ days without problems.

Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2013 11:07 am
by steve
There's no code in Cumulus which can delete the cumulus.ini file. The fact that it has apparently been deleted, and the problem in your log file, point to a problem on your system (i.e. a hard drive corruption). Lucky (?) for you that you had a backup :roll:

Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2013 11:41 am
by OliII
I know there's no code in cumulus wich can delete my cumulus.ini file... Nothing wrong into my hdd or system.. Cumulus just restarted at this time (21:39) for a reason that i ignore...and the fils was deleted at this time.
PS; Luckily = fortunately :roll: :|
Just for report this problem.



Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Sun 06 Jan 2013 11:45 am
by steve
OliII wrote:Cumulus just restarted
It restarted? If you zip up the diags folder and attach it, I'll take a look.

Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013 9:32 am
by agsteele
Well, I can confirm that I suffered the same thing overnight. When I came to my PC this morning all the settings in the cumulus.ini file had disappeared and Cumulus asked for me to set everything up from scratch... :(

To be accurate, Cumulus was closed when the computer was shutdown yesterday. The issue became apparent when I restarted Cumulus after starting the computer.


Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013 9:34 am
by steve
Please zip up the diags folder and attach it.

Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013 9:44 am
by agsteele
steve wrote:Please zip up the diags folder and attach it.
Sure, attached. But I was about to install the latest version of the 1.9.3 beta. I kind of assumed that with an old beta that a problem could have been resolved...


Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013 9:52 am
by steve
agsteele wrote:I kind of assumed that with an old beta that a problem could have been resolved...
I think that's unlikely, because I don't think it's a problem in Cumulus. The code which reads and writes the cumulus.ini file hasn't changed in the way it works for a very long time, and in any case it uses standard Windows routines to do it.

You're allowing your PC to suspend:

07/01/2013 08:00:47.493 : Windows SUSPEND broadcast received

You're using the 'close on suspend' setting. The end of the diags file is corrupted, presumably because it had the plug pulled while it was writing to the file. I suspect the cumulus.ini file was corrupted for the same reason, unfortunately. I strongly recommend that you don't allow your PC to suspend, and hence don't need to use the 'close on suspend' setting.

Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013 9:56 am
by agsteele
You are, of course, correct about suspending... Since this has largely worked for me without problem I'll monitor the results.

I only added my tuppence as someone else was reporting a similar issue on the same day. If there was a trend then I reckoned you would like to know. ;)

Thanks for the speedy assistance.


Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013 10:40 am
by steve
It would be interesting to know whether the OP is also using the 'close on suspend' setting. The help does warn against its use, saying that it can cause problems. I should probably make it clear that data corruption is one of the problems it can cause.

Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013 2:09 pm
by OliII
I'm not alone :)
Here's mine... I see into 003.file many writings into the.ini file :shock:
After verifications, no problems with the system, no changes. the netbook is placed into a rack.

Re: Cumulus resetting this night... every params been delete

Posted: Mon 07 Jan 2013 2:29 pm
by steve
OliII wrote:Here's mine... I see into 003.file many writings into the.ini file
Were you changing settings at the time - around 9pm on the 5th? The file gets written when any config changes are made, and when it closes down. It doesn't look like the close down case, because other messages would have been logged also. Whichever one it was, something was causing it to repeatedly write the file, and then the PC crashed or was rebooted, presumably in the middle of a write, so the file was corrupted.