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Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

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Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by mcrossley »

I notice that on the first day of the year, that the script looks for data for the current year - which does not exist yet. So we need to subtract one day from the date before getting the year.

Code: Select all

if (isset($_GET['year'])) {
	$tableYear = $_GET['year'];
} else {
	$tableYear = date("Y");

Code: Select all

if (isset($_GET['year'])) {
	$tableYear = $_GET['year'];
} else {
    $tableYear = date('Y', strtotime('-1 day'));
EDIT: Caveat, this only works for midnight rollover I guess - those using a 9am rollover will have a slightly more complex problem.
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by beteljuice »

In other words .... wait until tomorrow ;) :clap:
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by gemini06720 »

Mark, how about adding a simple check for the first day of the first month of the year - if it is 01-01 then subtract one form the year, otherwise ignore:

Code: Select all

if (isset($_GET['year'])) { $tableYear = $_GET['year']; }
  if (date("n") == 1 and date("j") == 1)  { $tableYear = date("Y") - 1; }
  else { $tableYear = date("Y"); }
I had to modify my script and that solve the lack of data for the first day of the year - the data for the first day of the year should (hopefully) be available at then end of the first day... ;)
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by mcrossley »

Hmm, your solution still uses two date operations and is more complex to read :bash: :lol:
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by gemini06720 »

Well, the 'hack' works, does it not... :mrgreen:

Have a great year Mark... :D ...and have another beer... :twisted:
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by RayProudfoot »

Thanks Mark, file edited. :)
Ray, Cheshire.

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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by sfws »

For a 9am winter rollover in the Northern Hemisphere, and a 9 or 10am summer-time rollover in the Southern Hemisphere, the dayfile.txt file at the last update before that time on 2nd January (calendar date) will still be the 31 December one (Meteorological date).
Here are 3 alternatives for finding correct default year around the time of year rollover (that also work at other times of year):

(a) The simplest solution, as the (PHP or jQuery) scripts produce a list of years from reading the dayfile, is don't read current date property of PHP or JavaScript at all, just default to latest year found as you build up the year selection list. A simple solution but it works at any time, including if Cumulus has not been running recently, so the dayfile.txt is not up to date.

(b) The <#metdate> web tag made available in (beta) version 1.9.3 build 1044
can be used instead of current date and will work for midnight rollover and in the 9 or 10 am rollover case. This returns the date that has just started processing (and will also work if Cumulus has not been running, or you have a problem with your station preventing Cumulus from updating). You still need to subtract 24 hours to obtain the year associated with the last dayfile.txt record. This involves modifying the HTML to pass the contents of the web tag across and I will post the required HTML and changes to the JavaScript version when I can.

(c) Final alternative - reading file last modified date. In PHP:

Code: Select all

$tableYear = date ('Y', filemtime('dayfile.txt'));
From another topic (Re: How to show image file date and time):
aduncan wrote:= X.getResponseHeader('Last-Modified');
gives a JavaScript equivalent way to read last file modifed date (where X is used for Ajax XMLHttpRequest). This can then replace 'new Date()' in

Code: Select all

if(urlParams['year']){drawYear=urlParams['year'];}else{var d=new Date();var curr_date=d.getDate();drawYear=d.getFullYear();}
NOTE: File modification date will be update of dayfile.txt at time of rollover:
steve wrote:when dayfile.txt is updated:
Cumulus uses a timer which triggers once a minute, on the minute. It checks each time whether the configured rollover hour has been reached (i.e. a new meteorological day is just starting), and if so, does the rollover, part of which involves writing an entry to dayfile.txt. The exact timing will depend on what the system is doing at the time. This assumes that Cumulus is actually running at the time. If it wasn't, and it's using logger data, then it does the rollover when it encounters an entry from the logger which takes it into the next meteorological day.
What this implies is that for a midnight rollover, file creation date will be either midnight (if Cumulus was running) or some time after (if rollover happened in catch up). In the running case, the date will still contain the year of 1 January at rollover, and at least one minute will need to be subtracted to get correct year of last dayfile.txt record. For 9 (or 10) am rollovers, subtract 9 (or 10) hours plus at least one minute to get correct year of last dayfile.txt record.
For a rollover happening in catch up, subtract the full 24 hours, regardless of rollover time, to get correct year of last dayfile.txt record. So in practice this method to cover all cases, requires the full 24 hours to be subtracted.
Last edited by sfws on Wed 21 Nov 2012 6:23 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by sfws »

I think this discussion would be better in third party tools.

As far as I could tell from searching the fora, this is only bug reported for David A Jamieson's excellent code. I found lots of implementations, but the only changes they made were to either change the parameters that could be selected and/or the colours in which values were shown according to magnitude.
Anyway, using JavaScript, here is my proposed fix, tested as best as I can (sorry I do not have access to PHP for testing that version as it is the one more often used):


Code: Select all

<script>var metDate=['<#metdate format="dd">','<#metdate format="mm">','<#metdate format="yyyy">',(parseInt("0"+"<#rollovertime>",10))];</script><!-- Pass current Meteorological date and rollover time to script to read dayfile, so knows what is default start up year -->
<script src="readDayfile.js" type="text/javascript"></script><!-- calls ECMA-262 Script to read the 'dayfile.txt' file -->
That is designed to work with midnight, 9am and 10am rollovers, I've deleted the script source directory as people may use different ones

JavaScript (as included in versions 1.0, 1.0a and 1.1 of David's code - those are only originals I have traced)

Code: Select all

if(urlParams['year']){drawYear=urlParams['year'];}else{var d=new Date();var curr_date=d.getDate();drawYear=d.getFullYear();}
This was original code that gives Year rollover problem on 1 Jan until rollover for 2 Jan as no new year data available

Revised JavaScript needed to be inserted with other variables at start of script (this does not affect loading time, that is incurred when the dayfile is processed)

Code: Select all

	 var d=new Date(metDate[2],(metDate[1]-1),metDate[0], metDate[3]);  // metDate is an array containing the date and time for the last rollover time
	var todayMS = d.getTime();  // Milliseconds since midnight 1 January 1970
	d=new Date(todayMS -(1000*60*60*24)); // Now looking at one day ago, so okay
	var curr_year=d.getFullYear(); // default to calendar year for 1 day ago if parameters undefined on entry
Revise JavaScript to replace David's code quoted earlier (NB no additional IF testing)

Code: Select all

I will zip up my screen shots from testing and anything else useful and post later
Last edited by sfws on Thu 15 Nov 2012 7:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by sfws »

Here are promised screen shots.
So all users of the annual daily summary, no excuse for you not implementing the bug fix before the end of 2012!
They reveal a bonus (as well as working for midnight, 9am or 10am rollover), the modifications proposed in my last posting will default to right year if the web page is being viewed in the new year, but has not been updated since the old year.
The HTML, CSS and Script I revised back in February produces a more informative caption, and adds a blank row after every 5 rows, as well as changes to parameters and value (and background) colouring.
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by sfws »

sfws wrote:(a) The simplest solution, as the (PHP or jQuery) scripts produce a list of years from reading the dayfile, is don't read current date property of PHP or JavaScript at all, just default to latest year found as you build up the year selection list. A simple solution but it works at any time, including if Cumulus has not been running recently, so the dayfile.txt is not up to date.
I wrote that 20 days ago, but did not instantly know the correct code, but here is the relevant extract from jScript code I shall post in a new topic:

Code: Select all

$.get(dayfile,function(data) // Open dayfile.txt to read file contents and copy them to 'data'
	      {  // begining of anonymous function
		var dRow=data.split("\n"); // split that 'data' into array with newline used as delimiter
		var last_record=dRow[dRow.length-2]
		wd_data=last_record.split(field_delimiter); // split row into fields
Don't ask me why it is 'length-2'
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by sfws »

Welcome to 2013 everybody. Today (New Year's Day for my timezone) only, you can see how the problem in this topic occurs.

The David Jamieson code displays a blank page on New Years Day:
but as the 2nd screen shot shows the updating stopped several weeks ago.

The replacement PHP code referenced from Wiki and from the navigation on Silver Acorn site are slightly different in behavoir:
Silver Acorn.zip
It is the URL parameters that vary (highlighted in relevant screen shot).

The alternative JavaScript version works on both 1 and 2 January as expected (Yes its 2 January already on the other side of the world) coping with local time differences:
and in UK is still showing 2012 by default:
as it is not yet rollover time on 2 January.
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Last edited by sfws on Sat 26 Apr 2014 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Annual Data Summary - problem on year rollover

Post by BCJKiwi »

@ swfs
I'm really not sure what the point of this post is.

The only difference I can see from the images you have posted relating to the Wiki version is that one shows the year selection box and the other does not.

However all data displays (or not) in the same manner.

Am I missing something?
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